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Forbes / Gleason(The Oneness) |
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I sent innumerable stories to the great American/my buddy John Forbes, and he produced so many fine drawings based off of these that we felt compelled to create this site to showcase them. Because, as we all know, there is nothing more American than flaunting your gazpacho. |
Recently my father and I were discussing a PBS documentary on Ancient Rome, and towards the end of our conversation he remarked- "Son, it's depressing yet strangely reassuring to know that for thousands of years people have been acting just as idiotic as we all are now." I pondered this sentiment for some time after our talk was over, finding it both cynical and profound. Generation after generation, perpetrating the exact same crimes- it is oddly comforting, in truth. And then I drifted off into a reverie, envisioning a man donning a toga, intending to head out to the agora, instead wasting valuable hours reflecting on how often a discarded cigar looks like a severed finger as it rests in the grass, how in porno 'Exotic' usually just means 'Hispanic', listening to the seagulls cry out like children shoved in the back as their faces were pressed up against glass doors. I saw Archimedes in an alley, snoring in a pool of his own sick, two haggard, homely chaps hovering over him, handling their members, bottles of 5-hour Energy drink scattered all about. A woman in medieval dress, possibly amidst the Spanish Inquisition, high on deer antler spray out in a garden, attempting to lick the paint off a plaster gnome stationed there or perhaps suck the lipstick off a flattened, trod on cigarette butt. Might the great Winston Churchill have awoken one morning with the top half of a pipe cleaner emerging from his urethra as I had last Thursday? A gentleman of Tudor England is in the lavatory shaving- he draws blood and faints, falling to the floor with such force that it leads his neighbors to summon the authorities, as happened to my friend Eric this April passed. Florence Nightingale, Gary 'Big Hands' Johnson, Mary Baker Eddy and myself enjoying peyote and a jug band comprised of a piano-playing toad, octopus flautist, opossum on Moog, the singing goat and a petrified negro mouthing Jew's harp on a stump. Nero, fighting through a cough syrup-induced paralysis, lounging in a shanty filled with an ungodly number of feral cats, paying ladies of the night to sniff narcotics off his phallus. General Cornwallis stumbling drunken off mead, sandpaper tongue dangling from his maw, taking a header down a staircase, bruising his buttocks- exactly as I had done the weekend prior. Alexander the Great and Chiang Kai-shek in a stolen, hail-damaged El Dorado crashing through a wall, encountering a room full of musky ladies receiving fecal facials, then going to Showbiz Pizza and engaging in heavy petting with Ralph the animatronic wolf from the Rock-afire Explosion. For these are the mistakes that every single one of us make, and because of this reckoning from this day forth I shall look to the past to reconcile my wrongs, knowing my sins and those of my ancestors are one in the same. |
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If I had a penis I would love that penis in ways in which no one has ever loved a penis before. |
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On Old Men
Those dying remnants of our nicotine-stained planet, sporting their fir-brimmed derbies- minds lost
in the '50's- explaining to you how woman is made out of sawdust, out of cardboard. How she has not
a single nerve in her body. 'I kissed her because she was the only other person in town with lips.
And, 'cause I wanted to repay her for borrowing her Chap Stick.' Donning suspenders and Bermuda
shorts, clad like a munchkin- only thing missing is the lollipop. Basset hound cheeks, salt and
pepper 'stache teeming with remnants of a pimento loaf sandwich. Strange aroma of fecal matter and
English Leather surrounds him, juicy turd in a plastic sack rests at his feet (or perhaps it's a
pickle?). Always armed with his catchphrase ('That guy's got more bad ideas than Hitler!') or
willing to muse on about children living in traffic. Dentured-overbite- straw-like hair flowing
off of his back, out of his ears. Concave glutes.
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Is there a sight more sorrowful than a lowly pedophile sitting alone in a park, no children seemingly in all of creation, ogling a barren swing-set, an empty merry-go-round, a sandbox filled only with sand, I asked myself as I strolled by a fellow reading a newspaper before a jungle gym. The answer is one I could not easily ascertain. But then I thought back to that fellow I spotted earlier in the day eating buffalo wings off of the grounds underneath that pigeon poop covered bridge- to the grossly obese person I saw being dropped off in front of the local Chinese buffet. To that time I spent in the Outback, when I observed a young man getting kicked to death by wallabies, when I awoke to find his carcass being chewed upon by wombats. To those days in Africa, when I witnessed a fellow explorer getting trampled by a rhino, his body lost to a swarm of Desert locusts. My childhood- oh the look that must have spread across my face as father emerged from the bedroom in a negligee and garter belt, hose attached, clad in high-heels, lipstick and rouge, whenever I would have friends over. To the parents of that baby that looks shockingly like the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong-il. The sight of a burning chicken coop, a most brilliant flaming pudding, dropped upon the floor- a slab of veal in chunky tomato sauce. Bloody shoe tracks painted across linoleum, echoes of yet another dead john in yet another filthy hotel lavatory- the bodies strewn across pavement after an old lady has jumped the curb in her automobile, striking all pedestrians in sight- a trumpeter without his trumpet, a bugle-less bugler, a flugelhorn player without his flugel. There are many sadnesses in this world, I recognized, as I twiddled the razor blade-like whiskers on my chin, as I ogled an abandoned pork hock resting in the grass, ants crawling through its every crevice, its every orifice. And perhaps ranking them is futile. |
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Yeah I sit around sometimes and worry about that day we're going to lose in 4317 when the Gregorian Calendar expires, but I'm not letting this ruin my life. Because these are the types of issues the universe hands you- an endless series of little headaches, vexations one must trudge through on a daily basis. For we are living in times when even the greatest of ideas is greeted with a casual cynicism. Where people pick their noses and then touch their iPhone screens- where we send emails, texts, and IMs to people in the same goddamn room as us. Where thugs often rough up the blind, clowns sometimes kill. Where men in pornographic videos regularly have sex with their stepdaughters even though they know such action will jostle the familial core like a bull tossing an unsuspecting jogger in the streets of Pamplona. It is an age where we give fancy titles like Yellow Sunshine and China White to narcotics but all of the little girls seem to be named either Laura or Jenny. Where one might refer to something as 'Ashkhabadian bedinka.' A realm of digitized genitals, of vaginal gristle- where adolescents strategically tear their jeans in order to become more fashionable. Where Roman Catholic Popes once enjoyed a 'Running of the Jews' and the majority of the call girls won't let you barf in their cunts. Where we send our children to institutions of higher learning only so they can contract syphilis and gonorrhea. Where there are 55,000 different varieties of potato chip, but try finding anything other than a chocolate or strawberry flavored dildo on the 'net. Yes, it is a world of innumerable offensive truths, and you can sit around all day and struggle with this, but such waste makes one a party to the mass psychosis- and who's got time for that? |
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Last night at Clade Memorial Hall on the city's northwest side I
attended my first satanic ritual, and let me tell you- it was stupendous. The event was a symphony of
rape and sodomy that certainly would have made the inhabitants of Pandemonium proud. One could witness
the usually bored socialites I mingle with pleasuring themselves with sheep, roosters, pigs, ducks and
other barnyard animals next to an effervescent fecal matter fountain. The night's orgies were so
lustful that all in attendance were compelled to talcum powder their rectums afterwards. And there
were chicken carcasses strewn everywhere. It was wonderful. The time existed as a tribute to the
four crown princes of Hell- Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan- and prompted me to scream out
'Shemhamforash' over and over again.
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My darling I have seen mongrel men, savages, their villages lined with rotting decapitations on poles, howling to the skies, crying out in the night to their serpent-god. Ravenous Bushmen, feral boys, with gingerbread in their eyes and hands of candied yams, cannibalizing one another under a noonday's glow. Confused fellows of foreign lands, acting as if they'd recently awoken from cryogenic freeze, toting everything they own in satchels dangling from their nipple piercings. Druids as tall and mighty as a toenail, pummeling mites with miniature staffs. I have glimpsed a horrendously pale bared thigh through the crack of a bathroom stall and a bruise on that thigh, the color of which mirrored the surface of Mercury. I have seen scarlet-colored beasts wielding medieval torture devices hell-bent on emasculation and necromancers in pigskin flesh suits and cow skull masks rhythmically pumping their loins atop bloated crapulent sorts down by the local cemetery. Seventy year olds, sporting that hot latex bondage look, and videos of ladies barfing on cocks with chimpanzees smoking in the background. Nuns wearing lipstick on their privates, pickles gliding nonchalantly betwixt their breasts, and several extremely advanced cases of testicular gangrene. But I have never in my life seen anything quite as beautiful as you tonight. |
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'Boy Dies While LARPing'
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There are so many people walking these streets with murder in their eyes, looking like they've killed before. Violence brokers running their fingers through the eczema scales on their chests, scraping the glaze from that open wound above their temples- atop their skulls there rests a ball of yarn unwinding, clumping, dangling over their visages. Men screaming to ladies on the boulevards that they make love like smooth jazz, listing the innumerable number of food products they'd eat from their buttocks, as the hoboes ejaculate sludge down in the alleys. That titmouse of a man wrestling the underwear from his crotch, clenching his moistened trousers, wavering across the pavement with his pet pickled sow- boasting loudly about his most recent body-waxing. Another claims that the FBI has microphoned his mud flaps in order to listen to his flatulence- still another insists that a child's sidewalk chalk drawings are actually alien pictographs left by beings from far beyond the Kuiper Belt. These fellows suffer from the world's most dreadful disease- that wretched ague of idiocy- from the cradle to the grave, from ass to appetite, from pupa to moose. Women who smell like men, men who smell like women, women-men who smell like mewomen, standing in their baklava balaclavas, singing nature's homage to primitive wisdom unto the divine cobra. To all of you, I do scoff, as I take yet another bite from that hot dog, minus the bun, which I discovered resting atop of a gas station urinal. |
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I knew I was on to something good that night I first met you,
when you told me you dyed your pubis to get the grey out of there.
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Dear IN Soon Hwan,
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I don't know why we're out here watching our son tightrope the edge of a sidewalk when we could be inside making sweet white-hot fresh dewy love. It's hard to say why we'd be sitting on a bench staring at a bag lady in front of the McDonald's wearing everything she owns including her pots and pans or the man with the face red as meat no sclerae throwing sunflower seeds to the pigeons when we could be in our room winding rubber bands around my testicles until they appear as if they're about to burst their sac. I picture myself in a hospital gurney both laughing and crying simultaneously. Why are we talking about how the pizza shop by the carwash smells like it's selling slices topped with motor oil when I could be licking the tzatziki from your pita moiling my face around in the wet cave betwixt your breasts applying spittle like a salve to your throbbing hemorrhoid? Why discuss the bills when we could be discussing the subtle differences between the odors of our rectal juices or why the sweat between my ass and balls often reeks of nacho cheese? While playing the board game I can only imagine Miss Scarlet tying me up with the rope in the Billiard Room- while watching the movie I can only envision spewing a green toxic sludge from the tip of my phallus like that which Chevy Chase was exposed to in Modern Problems. I see miscreants on the train humping air and I think I'd be doing that too if she didn't consider it cheating. You don't want me to become one of those under-sexed penitents wearing a hairshirt living in a tree wound so tightly that I walk pelvis forward like I've had the butt removal surgery occasionally sneaking off to the House of Ass to pantjaculate in my ejacupants do you? Then know this- when I reveal these secret longings to you, they mean something. Though that meaning can be obscure. |
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The Sad Satanist The Sad Satanist listens to his downtrodden black metal melody, deadening his pain with cannabis- scraping guacamole from a halved, misshapen skull. Neighbors heave their household wares at him as he carouses the walkways- their yard sale bought toaster ovens, their three-legged end tables- children break into his apartment at night, spray-paint '666' on his genitals as he rests. Reflections on a life of misery- the party clown that keeled over from infarction at his seventh birthday party- the arrest for pulling the plane's emergency hatch over the Atlantic, attempting to toss grandmother's ashes into the waters below. Screaming demon tattooed on right forearm- jet-black Mohawk spiked- clad in sheep leggings, beard growing up to his eyes. And as he ogles those bookshelves- filled with LaVey, with Crowley, writings on Gilles de Rais- the images of buxom black magicians on his walls- the painted pentagrams at his feet- the hides of deer, fox and horse, horns of elk and ram scattered about- he dreams of a normal life, one lived without the satyrs. Of Wednesday night whirlyball- of strolling the streets in a surgical mask. Propositioning fellows on the weekends- 'I need a guy for tonight- I freaky- nothing wrong.' Eying pregnant joggers or the old men watching pigeons peck at chunks in a pool of vomit. Yet he knows this is all mere fantasy- for once one has witnessed the light of darkness, it is impossible to turn away. |
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I Recycle You see me as a man completely encompassed by a chaos of his own invention. A collection of cliches, with nothing but the shirt on his back, standing knee high to a hamster with a singular undescended testicle, floating through life on an oil drum raft in a sea of liquefied manure. Working at a rubber-band factory, taking judo classes at the local YMCA, hanging with my tiddlywinks club on the weekends. Looking on as law enforcement has my dream car towed away. Indulging my hospital fetish through a delusional parasitic infection, through fake scabies, dreaming of my mother's saggy paps, a.k.a. the last set of nipples to touch these lips, engaging in hobo sex occasionally in cardboard boxes. You see my home- a couple of magazines lying here and there, innumerable white walls and shed cockroach legs, a rumpled chair- you tell me it reveals a barren soul, a depth-less existence, a sad simpleton wallowing in his own patheticness. Well I may not have any idea why a port-o-potty company would call itself 'Honey Bucket' or when the term packaged goods came to mean just booze, and I may not understand why so many assholes sport the honkey faux reggae look or why my neighbors hold clandestine meetings out by the garbage bins in the alley. I may not fully grasp why so many living people smell like death or why on the wholesome family television dramas youngsters get impregnated by a kiss. I may not be able to explain to you why there's at least one stray sock on every sidewalk I roam or why 'it is what it is' is such a popular phrase amongst imbeciles, but I do know this much- just because I'm not looking for new and interesting ways to utilize my fecal matter, that does not mean I'm not environmentally conscious. |
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As the wife and I grind pelvis on the dance floor, anus clutching
genitals like a vice grip, she fails to realize that it is the glossy sheen of the shimmering surface
that does stir my tumescence. For the woman has been frozen in such fog all throughout our relationship-
in fact, my affection for the inanimate dates all the way back to childhood, wherein I first fell for a
fountain and its jutting waters as a lad of five. At sleepovers I would wait in utter anticipation for
someone to challenge me to make out with my pillow- as a teen I literally loved my automobile, dreaming
frequently of the machine catching fire and the only way to put it out was through inseminating the
tailpipe. As I grew older I would go out to the garage and wedge my turgidity between a pair of
grease-caked license plates I had long before meant to be-rid myself of- I would observe dogs urinating
on hydrants and feel as if I wanted to expel a different kind of fluid upon them. I'd sex the spiral
staircase- lick the ribbing of a gondola- wrap my legs around a pillar and hump it dry- caress a cinder
block, rub it against my chapped, chafed lips- partake in intercourse with the mighty oak tree- and I
would often ask, 'why is there such little demand for male pole dancing?'
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The Class Fieldtrip To Outer Space
The class fieldtrip to outer space seemed like a good idea
at the time. When parents pay billions of dollars to give their children the opportunity to
view the final frontier, you'd expect they would instill in them at least an iota of respect
for the experience. But I guess these adults were just content shoving their little demons
off as far away from them as possible.
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I am a man of simple dreams- of Lamborghinis, of sexy ladies in thongs- cocking an occasional love tunnel- of finding a libidinous companion that I might smother with my intense affections, that I might destroy, suffocate with my insane jealousies. To brain mine enemies- see them beaten bloody, cigarette burns and branding irons- to let them feel the touch of La Mana Nera. Of donning a goose feather headdress with an antler horn emerging from amidst its plumage, a scarlet codpiece and a pince-nez, a suit of golden chainmaille and a worn-down sheepskin duster. I wish men and women alike would sing my praises, uttering words like, 'hey you look like the wind hey you look like a gazelle hey you look like a sailboat.' I want them all to say to me, 'hey you look like the wind after it has mated with a gazelle on a sailboat.' I would like a mobile symphonic orchestra, augmented with ocarina, contrabassoon, corrugahorn and friction harp, which would follow me every place I go and play my theme music, a groove that sounds strikingly like the intro to Barney Miller. I long for a grand estate shaped like an octagon but with curved, sanded walls so no shadows might fall on its interior, and inside of this estate I would like a vainglorious sun parlor with maple and wicker everywhere, fine draperies and rugs as well. In the garage I would require a mobile fleet of amphibious Sea-Doos that would take to the tops of the waves and to the various pavements. I would purchase a Jacuzzi that juts powerful gusts of water so it might double as a bidet, and a fourteen-foot open-ended penis pump that would not only work to enlarge my phallus but also allow me to ejaculate into the toilet while resting in bed. Yes, I am a man of only a few, simple dreams, and the way I figure it is, if I cannot have just these few things, then I may as well be dead. |
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When I first saw you my eyeballs almost popped from their sockets. You were screaming out the answers to the Wheel of Fortune questions at the gyro place- you were sitting next to a man who appeared to have somehow shit the front of this pants. You wore a thousand pounds of makeup in attempts to obscure your extreme pulchritude, but I saw through. Like a magnificent fever dream during a NyQuil-induced coma, you were- like Amii Stewart in that tripindicular 'Knock on Wood' video, oh the wonder you held. I could tell immediately that you had more soul than Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose, that you were the most beautiful thing on two good legs, and that if you had a peg leg you'd be the most beautiful thing on one. Your conception was the finest idea conceived since whoever first sopped up their leftover gravy with bread- upon the moment of your birth you became the greatest invention since the urinal cake. I approached in a state of manic nervous magic, fearing rejection, filled with panic, paranoia, sweat mustache forming upon my upper lip. I delivered to you my most masterful of lines- 'Are you afraid of reptiles? Because I have a pinkish, a purple, a brownish little turtle in my pocket that is eager to meet you.' Cut to a montage, replete with laugh track, capturing the early days of our romance- a series of sequences that reveal the monologue to be our preferred form of discourse. I tell you I was once the tallest member of a dwarf motorcycle gang called 'Santa's Slaves'- you speak of a gentleman you dated who came too quickly and let his dog watch you partake in intercourse. You're sporting a midriff- I gaze at your exposed flesh and a wet spot forms on my auburn jodhpurs. I am massaging your shoulders, trying to angle my tongue in such a way to overcome your French Resistance. Perched naked in a tree, clad in innumerable items pilfered from the 'Intimate Apparel' section at Target- puffing cigarettes, enrapt in post-coital bliss. You, my love, are the only ride more thrilling than Coney Island's Chute-the-chutes. While listening to you I find myself incapable of judgment- all my convictions washed away in the gentlest of rains. I've heard that shooting cocaine up one's rectum gets one twenty times higher, but I don't need any extra kick when I'm with you (I did pop a couple of goofballs, some red devils, though before you came over tonight). And upon that day when rabid beasts shall whirl asunder and dismember me, eyes focused on a deathly sun, it is your name that I will be crying out to the stars, my sweet. |
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By evening I found myself boozing it up with Billie
Holiday, Pee Wee Russell and Buddy Berigan in the Golden Lily, but by morn I awoke in the
hoosegow, lost in some Podunk town in some Podunk state. We were enjoying the melodies of the
Melodears, featuring Ina Ray Hutton- I felt like the bee's knees, the cat's meow chugging
giggle water with the greats. Buddy suggested we go to this fish restaurant nearby but I said
horse feathers you're all wet 'cause there were rumors that Jimmie Lunceford had been
poisoned there, which ain't hotsy-totsy. We instead headed over to Artie Shaw's to shoot guns,
drink hooch and talk Communism with he and Teddy Wilson. Soon after our arrival though Shaw
started verbally abusing his wife- Margaret Allen, the second of his eight spouses- and that
ain't hep so we scrammed. Billie posed that we hit the Hawthorne Inn but Pee Wee said wishful
thinking 'cause that's where Capone took Fats Waller after kidnapping him and he didn't
want the mob breathing down his neck. I pitched Tommy Dorsey's place but Berigan gave that
the high hat since Tommy had recently socked a guy for hugging his wife and Buddy's a hugger.
Somebody mentioned the Savoy and Russell exclaimed, 'Now you're cooking with gas,' 'cause
he wanted to jitterbug with the hoofers there that were real easy on the eyes. Bingo and
Astaire were around, wheeling along Connee Boswell. Louis Prima was in the place as well. He
wanted to go gambling and womanizing, as per usual, and though I aim to please Billie was with
me and I don't gamble. We went downstairs and smoked blunts with Louis Armstrong- a guy next
to him had a tie around his arm, spoon sitting in the middle of the table. The cat was shaking
his legs like he had the ants in his pants or the heebie-jeebies. Woody Herman's wife Charlotte
had gotten a hold of some of Cole Porter's painkillers so we tried those on for size thinking
it would be good, clean fun. After popping 'em though I became frightened out of my wits- what
a drag, and just when I was feeling like the Big Cheese. Luckily Lester Young had some
barbiturates handy, bringing me back to square one before I upchucked in my loafers. But then
I really let my hair down, mainlining morphine with Charlie Parker and ingesting something
illicit I'd purchased from Benny Kornegay, who later became Ella Fitzgerald's first hubby,
out on the corner. I'd taken everything but the kitchen sink, and at the time I couldn't have
cared less. |
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Let's Make Love Tonight
I spotted you at the Cash 4 Gold store donning a faux fur, tattered grey sweatpants with holes at the
knees. You were toting a sparkling silver purse- you were clad in a white hoodie underneath the
aforementioned pelt. This whole ensemble lent itself to make your body appear shapeless. Your lips
seemed formed in a permanent frown- you looked as if you smoked perhaps a carton a day- you have nice
hair but no soul, at least as far as I can tell, and your mind might as well be constructed of
cardboard. Myself, I know I look good in my denims, my American flag t-shirt, what is left of my hair
pulled back in a pony. You are the kind of nymph I can picture myself frolicking with, and I commence
to imagine you unmitigatedly naked whilst loitering there.
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Metal Saved My Life Having experienced the beautiful music of AC/DC, I knew that 'nailing hot chicks' was what life was all about. But I had never partaken in sexual intercourse with a woman- only the fellows seemed prone to these charms. Thusly, I could not get over the idea that I might be gay. And I didn't want to be gay- I mean, how could I tell my mother this? Would I feel compelled to make one of those contrived coming out videos, where I'd be forced to hug her? I can't stand touching that woman! Then I remembered a film titled Trick or Treat, starring Marc Price, a. k. a. Skippy Handelman from the hit television show Family Ties, in which a boy tries to rejuvenate his favorite Satanist rock star by playing the artist's final album backwards. It seemed to work in the movie, so why couldn't it succeed in real life? I decided to listen to each and every one of Rob Halford's solo records, and his more enjoyable stuff with Priest, in order to break that gay spell. And you know what- it worked. Halford scared me straight, and because of this I went out and actually had sexual relations with an extraordinarily unattractive female. Then I decided I might as well attempt this method in addressing the rest of the issues affecting my life. After listening to Ozzy and W. A. S. P. backwards I totally stopped imbibing alcohol. Motorhead and Megadeth's records got me off of Quaaludes, and Quiet Riot and Dokken- especially Don's soundtrack for A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors, the film that featured that puckering flesh- helped me quit shooting the smack. I ceased to eat extravagantly after listening to Udo Dirkschneider, Testament and Crowbar, and my excessive grooming stopped after I reversed Napalm Death. Also, following that initial brush with coital pleasure, I realized I was a sex addict, and Kiss helped me get through this. That's why I'd have to say- and I don't think I'm being overly dramatic here- that metal saved my life. So thank you dark lords of distortion, and keep the power chord alive. |
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you're living like you're in one of those Skyy Blue Vodka ads like you're grade-A USDA prime cunt you're choice you're select running daintily in high heels towards the bus wrapping your lips around a soda bottle suggestively ogling all of the other attractive teens in public engaging in eyeball masturbation the boys taping their testicles up to augment their bulges yet still they suffer from common shrew penis hyperkinetic syndrome giving voice to everything you think don't worry we'll sort it all out for you cool towards learning religion relations you die of embarrassment every time mother drops you off at school (you've got secrets) looking dangerously skinny in those skinny jeans (get a sandwich) clad in faux bondage gear whale tails and tube-tops leopard-print everything pierced everything bedazzled vajazzeled preening more than a mud-dappled pigeon you're at such an advanced level of sexual experimentation of drug experimentation one might think you would have reached some hypotheses or conclusions by now cutting class to do some cutting some petty thievery poppin' a squat drippin' it dry watchin' images of your love montage over and over in your mind oh the failure you glare at the telephone you experience a transmutation of your fear vibration CHERNOBYL NITRO VESUVIUS you lose your shit destroy the restroom and cry as you watch your toothbrush fall into the toilet |
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I have in my possession intelligence that I know could cost me my life and the lives of those that I care for. So when I decided that the truth could no longer be concealed- that this classified information needed to become unclassified- I knew they would come after each and every one of us. And come after us they did. It all began with a barely suspect plastic shipping container- inside there were dials, meters, cables and panels. Supplies, raw materials for what I hoped would become an anatomically correct, anthropomorphic love-bot. But the components added up to little more than a tracking mechanism sent for me by the guys with the polished black shoes and their iniquitous secret polizei. From then on their advanced technological equipment was in my home- they used their mind scanners each evening to stimulate my retinal lobe and placed tiny improvised explosive devices under the packages of cotto salami and other luncheon meats that rested inside of my refrigerator. Agents utilized their disintegrator pistols to shrink my testicles down to the size of the common ball bearing, rendering them barely visible to the naked eye. Late one night, while I was wrapping up some pressing business, some urgent matters at the gas station I work at, they had me kidnapped and thrown into an unventilated room with a cast iron door. They called this enclosure 'The Fart Chamber.' It was here that I first learned of their experiments in curing atomic radiation sickness through the use of Jenkem, a hallucinogenic drug made from fermented human feces. I spoke of this discovery to my friend Jerry and within days he 'leapt' from a moving Ford Pinto, shortly after trying on a pair of lysergic acid washed jeans 'donated' to the local Village Thrift. The press said he died of natural causes- Ha! Clandestine physicians surgically implanted a miniature hydrogen bomb beneath the flesh of my right buttock. I have been walking with a limp ever since. They also showed me a series of diagrams outlining the adventures of Qoaung, a diminutive fellow of Asian descent who they had funneled into my body during the emergency procedure I had after breaking my penis on my honeymoon approximately fourteen years ago. He had been gumming up my insides all of this time. Yet through all of this I have persevered. You have not gotten the best of me yet, industrially organized paranoid bureaucratic structure, and once I hand over the microfilm I have in my possession to the man in charge, I promise you this will all come to an end. |
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One would think you were the last great wonder of
evolution, sitting there in your big chair, eating your Frosted Fecal Flakes, your Unicorn
Urinal Cakes, entering the club and ordering champagne enemas for all around. Acting
Jamaican- suburban dreadlocks reek of peat moss- carrying rumba box and shake shake,
smoking spliffs, chugging fish tea. Your personal ad reads, 'Kung Fu Motherfucker Speaks
to Horses.' You claim your high-fashion underwear modeling career was sidetracked by
photographers whose styles aped filthy-chic Guess spots and Coors Light commercials. I say
it's because you are hirsute, and you've got a face like a badger. Giving voice to an
endless, empty string of pretensions- chiming on about how in your religion there is no
concept of enemy, how time is just a meaningless word. Eating obscure nuts and berries,
babbling about the birth of the hermaphroditic twins. Eyeballs painted on eyelids and
prayer shawl- you say you're getting into your zone, but you have no zone, and that
meditation shit you do ain't real. Try focusing on your problems, analysis and conclusion-
don't meditate. Don't worship at the altar of the winged tortoise or skull, don't trust in
snake-stones, in toad sweat, in chance. It's time to sweep all of your sweeping
generalities to the curb! |
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Tonight's Secret Dining Challenge is- Hobo Rectum! We have asked three celebrity chefs to prepare a meal with rectums carved from several slaughtered derelicts as the main ingredient for five dinner guests. It's an aromatic feast! And whomever fashions the finest dining experience this evening, determined by the votes of our guests, they win a baker's dozen- yes, that's right- thirteen nameless tramps that they can train as sous chefs or household menials. Or, of course, they can always slice these drifters up and utilize their rectums as ingredients in hearty soups, stews and casseroles. Now- let us begin! |
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You stand on the bed, arms raised to the ceiling- I put my
head beneath your dress and lap blindly between your thighs, parting the honey colored hairs I
know to exist there. My nose whistles amidst your pasty folds of flesh. As I knead your doughy
buttocks your musculature quivers as if enduring shock treatment. You are wearing a party hat-
the production we are working on is titled 'Birthday Rim Job'- the camera pauses abruptly upon
the indecipherable tattoo on your right shoulder. The gentleman in the director's chair cries
out- "Cut!"
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Still More Excerpts From My Diary
My wife gets offended because I cry out- "Engage!" shortly before
every ejaculation. She says it isn't very charming. What does the woman think- does she think I
have a choice? I absolutely cannot discharge unless I'm channeling Patrick Stewart! |
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How Do They Make It? How do they make it, these vastly inferior sorts, strolling the walkways in their chartreuse monochromatic cotton/polyester blend sweatsuits and matching knock-off Crocs? Issuing catcalls from their lime green crotch rockets, their sky blue, rusted-out pickup trucks with neon track lights? These hirsute ape-men, not a tooth in their skulls, smelling as if they are fresh from the dumpster or drowned in English Leather, trying to pool their money for a lap dance or two? That fellow on the train with the prison tattoos, duck's ass permed in the back, ejaculating his face full of mucous onto the empty seat next to him? Those ladies in their beige Bermudas, sporting Depends, repositioning the figurines in their life-sized nativity scenes, hunting for the perfect windsock or roach spray at the Discount Mega Mall- hanging at Cash America Jewelry & Loan because they believe in a concept of success through osmosis? The man in the mauve muscle shirt constantly masturbating in your back alley- the guys shooting albatross, combing through piles of refuse under a neighboring bridge- or the fellows harvesting scrap metal, hanging a little brain- donning ass-crack exposing hip-huggers, teal headbands dangling over their eyes- smoking a grit amidst a powwow in the parking lot, wearing their Run DMC t-shirts (you ain't tougher than leather) and their urine-stained gauchos? How do they make it, I ask myself, as I attempt to straighten my magenta doo-rag, as I retrieve my incessantly baggy jeans from the floor. As I scrape yet another incrusted scab from my pock marked visage. The answer is one I will probably never know. |
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That Beautiful Man He was born on a waste site for slag, misshapen skull carved from a wound-encrusted, fecund womb. By day two he was handling anything and everything like a greasy-haired, dirty-digited ragamuffin scamp let out of the orphanage for a weekend. Grappling his testicles or perhaps an orb-like structure around the pelvic region approximating the size of the common cantaloupe, turning in the streets to eyeball all of the ladies, to ogle elderly ass outside of the neighborhood group home, maneuvering his facial muscles in such a way as to suggest he might be trying to mouth a pea resting betwixt someone's gluteal cleft. Using a urinal cake culled from a convenience store lavatory as deodorant. Clad in a soot-covered, stool-scented toga, donning a single moccasin, chugging Max Ice tallboys or jars of formaldehyde by the dumpsters, attempting to comprehend the lifeless pay phone, the child's rendering of a floppy-eared bunny that looks astonishingly like a pair of ovaries. Screaming at the youth in the morning- "What are you going to learn in school today, huh?! Aphrodisiatics? Coprophagiola? Necromance-mectomies? Ha!" saving his sob stories for the adults- "I'm sick in the head. And the only way they'll let me back into the hospital is if I get wasted." Rubbing his feet on the curb, kicking a discarded bra across the boulevard, dicking his fist in a burnt out automobile. Watching the douche bags performing mini-bike tricks in the square- silly 'staches painting upper lips- playing Frisbee in the dog shit filled park. Leering at the couples as they caress each other's buttocks, as they engage in that eternal struggle to assign some importance to their existences. For though he may appear to be that gray-faced specter, that distorted figure of dreams, unlike most he could never be accused of sacrificing his principles or his convictions. |
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An Airing Of Pretensions You seem to be leading the honkiest existence one could ever dream of. I'm a native. You're a nativist. I'm local. You must be on tour. It's about to get raw in here. Attitude- that's what I've got. You're the type of person the assailants wish to grab onto during a hostage situation. If I was your high school guidance counselor I would have advised you to go out into the world and be anybody, just don't be yourself. Roasting weenies on a beach- talking about how nature smells so 'natural.' Writing pamphlets on how not to make your dog feel ashamed about his bowel movements. Always tuned in to your webisodes- I don't fuck with that Internet shit. I'm off the grid- out of reach- untouchable- an outcast. The maps I use are made by Rand McNally, not Google. You probably never even heard of them. You're so wrapped up in your own self-image you can't see the forest through the leaves. Reciting those positive adages everybody clings to as a crutch to actual language, to actual feeling- hey, it's not a breakthrough moment if you have one every five minutes. Me, I'm hip like beat poetry- ask me a question and I'll feed you a line. I'm like this- zip zam- genius- record this shit- write it down. I'm in the rhetorical room reading about the latest idioglossia, philatelist. Check my exophthalmos. You're looking all confused- that's the mystique. You say you like my style, you want to get to know me- fat chance. I don't do interviews, just ask my publicist. And where are all your little friends tonight anyway, your little buddies, Los Paquitos, as I like to call them? You know- your sycophants, your peons, yes men- those cats always finding subtle ways to make reference to their economic or social status. Probably at a drugged-out leather party, cocaine cut with Drano and baby powder. Well while you were drunken, comatose, urinating in the middle of the boulevard last night I was home swallowing a string and passing it through my bowels. I'm about experience- you read about it in the paper. My opinions are actually facts yet to be accepted by those with obsequious mentalities. And as the ambulances, the fire trucks arrive to pick up your carcass, freshly perished at the local fitness club- yeah, death by treadmill- I hope you've finally achieved enlightenment. Either way, at least you won't be talking about the weather for once. |
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I have been locked up inside my house licking dollar bills ever
since I found out that 90% of U. S. currency has cocaine on it. Picking at my scabby skull, plucking
the hairs from my back- wearing the same beer advertisement tanned supermodel t-shirt the past ten
days- occasionally going out, listening to the 'Lonesome Loser' on eight-track in my '68 Chevy
Beater. Hanging with Puerto Rican Pete and Big Junior, their chihuahua named FEAR. Begging loitering,
loitering begging. Doing a little bit of bird watching (double entendre). Peeing outside because
nature loves the taste of my urine. Scratching 'Consumer Christmas is a Toilet' into all of the walls
because it's so damn true. Passing out up against a light pole, sleeping one off in the D.M.V.
Resting beneath a dangerous fire escape that looks as if it might plummet from its stanchions and
crush everyone below. And I warn them- I tell them all- touch me and I'm nitroglycerin- a lycanthrope-
justice shall truly be administered. Yet still I awaken to a bloodied, brutalized rectum.
On Fathers
Cursed by the Gods these Titans, these Olympians amongst
mortals hang in their packs like geese, flying in v-neck formations- stench of smoke, stale
booze wafting all around them. Kicking dogs, contemplating their packages, their coiffures in
every window's reflection. Graying of face, sagging around the waist- a curlicue mustache
marks one's pride. And as these pillars of strength rummage through your sock drawer, looking
for funds to take to the track, their mission is two-fold: for this is also a lesson in man's
depravity, in humiliation. Like when you brought your first girlfriend home- how his x-ray eyes
peeled off all of her garments, those continuous invitations to sit on his lap. Leaving all the
restrooms reeking of mincemeat pie, forcing Mothers to purchase t-bone steaks with food stamps.
Misunderstood genius scratching his ass up against a light pole- exhibiting a fiery hatred at
the mention of 'Brothers'- one drink and we emerge into his world of violence. Cool, detached-
spreading that incommunicative disease all about- except for when they are relating their epic
tales of what it takes to build the proper gentleman.
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I believe I have seen you someplace before. Perhaps loitering
in the post office, in the DMV, in the lobby of the local police precinct. Drinking nail polish,
paint thinner or mouthwash, snorting toothpaste on the train platform, underneath a neighboring
bridge. Hawking for midges- the gnats, the insects that inspect you- your pants acid washed,
though only around the ass. I could easily see you becoming my wife, if of course you weren't
already another man's wife, and I weren't married to my work. I love you like cats love shadows-
you're libel to become impregnated by my thoughts- and when you glance back at me and flash that
snaggle-toothed grin, my heart sores like an ankle swollen.
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Like many in this city I am often compelled to take long journeys via public transportation. On these occasions I like to have a line or two prepared for miscreants on the approach, aiming to harass or bribe, or to sell cheap pornography. This trip's little tale read: 'In this day and age of middlemen I, Daniel Gleason, the creator of Chinchili Chili Cheese Fries, those great-tasting cheesy chili potatoes made with real Brown Velvet Chinchilla, am a lone source of innovation.' It is a strategy I utilize to out crazy the crazies, the ne'er do-wells on the make, who force one to wonder at that ad on buses that claims 1 out of every 140 people has schizophrenia. For on public trans it seems as if that former number should be much higher. The woman sitting next to me is the spitting image of the mobilized corpse of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis- she is swathed in so much makeup it appears as if she is in drag. An older chap with sunken in cheeks asks if he can bum a cigarette off of her, and I drift into a reverie on the impact of the cessation of smoking in society at large upon conversations between strangers. Nobody's asking for a light any more, unless they're a character in a 60's French New Wave film or a prostitute or a prostitute in a 60's French New Wave film. A woman boards with a face like pounded mutton, complexion of a gourd, donning the most vainglorious, lustrous platinum blonde wig these eyes have ever seen. She is ogled by the frog-eyed man in the over-sized suit and a fellow who had previously been mumbling to himself at the rear of the vehicle. Someone screams, "I do love him, but I ain't in love with him," into a cell phone. Another admonishes his device, crying, "I'm going to kick you in the dick so hard your testicles are gonna wind up in your ear lobes!" This is the most disconcerting string of words I've heard put together since a hiring manager uttered, "We'll keep in touch," towards the end of our phone interview the week prior. Outside I spot a fellow clad in a robe standing in the middle of Pulaski, seemingly prepared to expose his person to the populace. Not far behind a man engages in the covert action of alley urination. A couple of juvenile delinquents are engaging in delinquent juvenility, chugging Tampico with their feet up on the seats before them. I wish to warn these chaps that youths who carry knives often tend to stab themselves, but an elderly Russian man approaches instead, wondering if there is a conspiracy behind their mismatched socks. He receives cold, silent glares in response. I daydream, basking in my smallest triumphs, meditating on a belief that any kind of cowboy culture is inexcusable, and then realize we have arrived at my stop. As I attempt to disembark a reprobate on the grift approaches, so I do a little improvising, telling him that I am the genius poet/lyricist behind such rock n' roll bands as 'Feelings Horse' and 'Man Tits and the Comb-overs.' It's hard to say whether he believes me or not- I mean, he doesn't ask me to autograph his ass or anything- but he does slowly amble away. Thusly, the scent of victory wafts through the air, or perhaps it is the overwhelming stench of Lysol and pickled testicles that usually prevails here. |
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Our Leader
He was half fish, half extraterrestrial yet all man. He was
as spiteful, conceited, reckless, hateful and incestuous as a winged bull. Whether one would
spot him forcing the flesh from beast, roughing up a missionary, sniffing out raccoon tracks
or waiting on the return of Squirrel he would always have his faithful pigeon, with its
over-active bowels, resting upon his shoulder. For our leader was a frivolous man, a dangerous
man- a real shit- yet the prophets stated, 'He with the antlers shall lead us,' so, thusly- and
alas- we acquiesced.
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