Yeah I sit around sometimes and worry about that day we're going to lose in 4317 when the Gregorian Calendar expires, but I'm not letting this ruin my life. Because these are the types of issues the universe hands you- an endless series of little headaches, vexations one must trudge through on a daily basis. For we are living in times when even the greatest of ideas is greeted with a casual cynicism. Where people pick their noses and then touch their iPhone screens- where we send emails, texts, and IMs to people in the same goddamn room as us. Where thugs often rough up the blind, clowns sometimes kill. Where men in pornographic videos regularly have sex with their stepdaughters even though they know such action will jostle the familial core like a bull tossing an unsuspecting jogger in the streets of Pamplona. It is an age where we give fancy titles like Yellow Sunshine and China White to narcotics but all of the little girls seem to be named either Laura or Jenny. Where one might refer to something as 'Ashkhabadian bedinka.' A realm of digitized genitals, of vaginal gristle- where adolescents strategically tear their jeans in order to become more fashionable. Where Roman Catholic Popes once enjoyed a 'Running of the Jews' and the majority of the call girls won't let you barf in their cunts. Where we send our children to institutions of higher learning only so they can contract syphilis and gonorrhea. Where there are 55,000 different varieties of potato chip, but try finding anything other than a chocolate or strawberry flavored dildo on the 'net. Yes, it is a world of innumerable offensive truths, and you can sit around all day and struggle with this, but such waste makes one a party to the mass psychosis- and who's got time for that?