An Excerpt From A William S. Burroughs Cut-Up Novel, Uncovered By Myself,
That Could Possibly Be Released Posthumously. Potential Title-
Enter The Mind Of The Genius.

       The buttocks of moral turpitude rankle under the armpits of S. Rodriguez y Rodriguez. Prison boy sex partner Louie Louis Lewis sneezed cow spit love juice rhythm shits splits the grizzled gizzard...eels slide upside Hecuban territories of ghoulish glaucoma. Porcupine peanut limestone shale fish the tuna with crustaceous shell. Lark loosely, sink softly into the pants of Yao... crystal marmoset sheets crystal sheep fandango bloated hammock hemlock sherlock grimlock. Meat off the shellfish strudel. Mmm-mmm- good Sanchez good...boiling huckleberry ball of limestone lips flap in brown hounds mud worms writhe lamely in dilapidated tissue. Ground round shoe horn tulip limestone mollusk. Horse manure brimstone, limestone, limestone...eyeball the mud flap of the tube steak crustacean. Dirty white thighs dirty white lies and Horacio Mandinko. Horacio Mandinko- a swine dwells amongst us. Shellfish crustacean lobster crawdaddy...mental fitness interior fleshmeats schism on the bee-bop tambourine player. A gargoyle's shoe rattle-tap-taps on the shoe dip shoey shoe shoe. Rattlesnake limestone cornhole... Kissy kiss kiss the crawdad. The flesh pants of the Amarillo Terrier Pedro Morales tightened the heroin hostel for old lobster claw...mucul sputum on the thighs of shellfish dear harem boys, mucul sputum on the thighs of Dr. Poco...